Three people died on crosses that day, Jesus Christ, the son of God, and the two thieves, one on either side of Jesus. One thief believed in Jesus, and the other didn't.
After three of them died. Only the one that believed that Jesus Christ is the son of God, ended up in paradise with the Lord. That's what Jesus promised him, but he never got water baptized. After three days Jesus rose from the dead, and before he went into heaven, he told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem, to receive the promise of the Father (the baptism in the Holy Spirit), and go out into the world and tell everyone the good news, baptize new believers, and make disciples, lay hands on the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, etc.
For our example, and even before he did his 1st miracle, he got water baptized by John the Baptist. When he came up out of the water, the Holy Spirit came down upon him, like a white dove. And, God, his Father, spoke from heaven (everyone there heard it), "This is my son, in whom I'm well pleased." What a wonderful picture in the Gospel of John. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, are one, a three-parter. In the beginning God created the first human being, Adam, in his own image with a spirit, a soul, and a body, a three-parter. When you talk with me, hear my voice, see me thinking, it's only one person - jerry, who has emotions, who has flesh and blood, as well as an intellect, and a thinking brain.
When we asked Jesus into our heart, asked him to be the Lord of our life, and we believed he took away all our sins when he died on the cross for us, God gave us a new spirit, a new heart, we were born again (not our physical body, or our mind, but our spirit).
God gave us a brand new spirit, pure and perfect, with no sin - clean as ever. That's what needs the milk of God's word, to grow.
Jesus didn't need to get water baptized, but he did to give us an example to follow. Then the father gave the Holy Spirit to Jesus with no limit. Jesus didn't do any miracles until after he received the Holy Spirit. I've checked the Bible many times, from cover to cover, every page - the first miracle was when Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding feast (in the Gospel of John).
Know people personally, who never got water baptized, or even baptized in the Holy Spirit, but right before they passed away, they believed in Jesus Christ, like that one thief hanging on the cross next to Jesus. Hard to explain, but I know I'm really going to see them again, with the Lord.
So, let's follow our Lord's example of water baptism. You are telling the world, "Hey everybody, all my bad, all my sins, died with Jesus on the cross. and now, as I come up from the water, I have a new life, like Jesus, when he came back to life after 3 days."
We need God's unlimited power, to tell people about Jesus and do the same things Jesus did, and more. So, we ask Jesus Christ to baptize us in the Holy Spirit (like John the Baptist said, "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire").
As we can read in the Book of Acts, the first diciples of Jesus, did exactly as he said. They didn't go all over the world telling people the good news, instead they all met together in the 2nd floor of a building, in Jerusalem, where Jesus got crucified, and prayed together to receive the Father's promise, the filling of the Holy Spirit. Before long they all got filled with the Holy Spirit. With Jesus, the Holy Spirit was like a white dove, but when the Holy Spirit filled the first disciples, the Holy Spirit was like flames of fire, that landed on each person's head. As they all got filled up, they started praising and thanking God. Everyone was speaking out loud with a Holy Spirit language. People walking buy on the streets, heard lots of noise coming from that second floor - sounded like a big party, or a rave going on early in the morning. Everyone on the street were saying something like, "those followers of Jesus are all drunk, listen to them, all so noisy."
Right after that, the disciples went out into the city telling people about Jesus, and thousands and thousands of people also became disciples, within days. The Holy Spirit started doing miracles through the disciples.
We don't need to get baptized in the Holy Spirit over and over again. The first time, the Holy Spirit will give us a new language. When we speak that Holy Spirit langauge, our heart, our spirit, prays directly to God. It's a tool the Holy Spirit gives us to build up our faith, to get recharged, if you will.
When my 2nd oldest brother got baptized in the Holy Spirit, he described to me all the details. Sounded like quite an experience, as wild as the first disciples, even way beyond getting drunk. And, he spoke this new prayer language, to get reifilled all the time. I had just recently given my life to Jesus, got water baptized, and started going to Bible studies to learn more. I wanted the same thing as my brother got. Read all the Bible verses, and the guy at the Bible study placed his hands on my head, and I prayed the prayer out loud. Nothing. Wait, wait, wait, still nothing, and no language. The Bible study guy told me to believe everything we read about receiving the Holy Spirit and the new prayer language. So, I did. Next thing I know, I have this new prayer language (don't know what I'm actually saying, but my heart feels warm). Then, at church, a preacher, from the pulpit, challenged everyone, "Pray with your new Holy Spirit prayer language, every day, non-stop for 30 minutes, and you will hear God speak to you." Did what he said, believing what I read about the baptism in the Holy Spirit, was really true, just as true as the new life i had been experiencing. The first week, praying with the new prayer language every day for 30 minutes, things started happening to me. In a Bible study one night, with people all sitting around on the floor, the Holy Spirit filled filled me up just as my 2nd oldest brother had described to me - i couldn't even stand up (so pure, so intense, like burning hot fire, and icy cold mountain water all at the same time). Couldn't do anything but praise and thank the Lord. Every day, i went into a small closet and closed the door in the dark, because i didn't want anyone to see me or hear me. On the fifth day, got totally blown away - praying with my Holy Spirit prayer language...blah, blah, blah, and go completely quiet after 30 minutes. Then I heard God's voice (my 1st time ever experience). It was as the Bible describes it, "a still, small voice." And, God said to me, "Jerry, I love you. You will preach the gospel in China one day."
You have to understand, in 1971, there were no people like me (young American guy), "Preaching the Gospel in China." China was having a cultural revolution, under Mao Tse Dong. He and his government were atheist, and China was still closed to the world.
At the time of this blog post, it is 2023. Since 1971, have been into China many times, worked there many years, saw many people ask Jesus into their hearts (mostly children), and often experienced the power of the Holy Spirit like the early disciples did that short time after they all got filled with the Holy Spirit.
God's word is true, not just stories or religious philosophies. If you know God stirred your heart, and you gave your life to Jesus, and you know it's real. If you are still believing God's word to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Or maybe you still aren't able to speak your new Holy Spirit prayer language. My Mom, 2nd older brother, and I all came to Jesus around the same time, but different circumstances. We all got baptized at the same time, at a small Pentecostal-Baptist church, Berean Baptist Church, in Kansas City. My 2nd oldest brother got baptized in the Holy Spirit and got his language 1st, then i did, and then my Mom did. But our Mom didn't get her Holy spirit language until maybe 6 months or more later. She did everything right, read all the Bible verses, read all the teaching books on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, but - nada, nothing. She was super frustrated. My Mom is very stubborn (I know because I have her stubborness - totally extreme). So, she sat down in her bathroom at home (my Dad and family had already been transferred to Taiwan at the time), and she said to the Lord, out loud, "Lord, I'm not getting up from here until you give me that prayer language you promised me!" When I got to Taiwan to do my Bible college missionary internship, my Mom, had experienced eveything we read about in the Book of Acts about the early disciples and how the Holy Spirit worked many miracles through them to glorify God, and bring many people to Jesus.
Really, really, we should never doubt. God's word is solid, solid as a rock. Everything Jesus did on earth was by the power of the Holy Spirit. He told us to be like him as he was, and we would do what he did, and even more. What are we waiting for.
The challenge: set your own schedule, for example (I've tried them all and they all work, at least for me they did, thank the Lord) -
* By yourself, speak out your new language, non-stop for 30 minutes every day for one week, then be quiet and be still afterwards (see if you don't hear God's voice)
* Get on your face, and speak, out loud, your new Holy Spirit language, non-stop, for 2 to 3 hours with no breaks
* Pray outloud, with others the same as you, with your new Holy Spirit langauge, in a closed and quiet room for 1 hour every day for at least one week (see what happens)
* Get together with hundreds of people, in one place, and, in unison, everyone sings in their new Holy Spirit language, spontaneously, togther in harmony, while praising and worshipping (you will probably begin to experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit at work in this kind of worship sevice).
* Please take the challenge. The Holy Spirit is not limited - by yourself, in a group, all good
* Remember, the Holy Spirit never does anything wierd that you can't find in the Bible and wherever He is, God is glorified. Jesus Christ is lifted up. He is as gentle and sensitive as a dove, more powerful than any force in the universe, yet burning hot as a flame of fire, and cold, so pure as a mountain spring, all at the same time.
* Remember, it is from your spirit, from you heart, you are praying your new Holy Spirit prayer language, not your mind. While you pray in the Spirit, praise and thank God in your mind.
* "Speaking in Tongues" is not to be confused with "The Gift of Tongues." Speaking in tongues, or praying in the Spirit, is a private prayer language, for all believers who have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. The apostle Paul said, "I speak in tongues more than all of you." We are encouraged to build up our faith by praying in tongues.
* There is also the "Gift of Tongues," and the "Interpretation of Tongues" - two of the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit, as mentioned in 1st Corinthians.
In a public worship service, the Holy Spirit will lead one person to speak out a message in tongues (usually spoken loudly, and clearly, for all to hear). Then everyone will wait quietly, for the Holy Spirit to give the interpetation to a completely different person. That person speaks the interpretation loudly and clearly for all to hear. After the interpretation is given, the congregation amens and praises the Lord for God's message.
Messages in tongues are always one at a time, and very orderly (God is not the author of confusion).
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