Friday, April 30, 2021

my garden on Rota 13

Welcome welcome to my home garden on the island of Rota, in the Mariana Islands.

Many changes in the garden this month - tomatoes harvested, cukes harvested, and there has been a continual steady production of eggplant and kangkong.

The Hawaiian tomatoes turned out to be fairly successful - myself, friends, and neighbors harvested loads of tomatoes. Want to take a break from those, and for the rest of the year just plant Roma tomatoes.

All around best performance has come from the eggplants, especially the first two planted in this garden.

Most all the cucumber vines planted have finished their growth cycles - got lots of delicious cukes. This is a Japanese variety (by way of Taiwan), and have almost no seeds and don't need to be peeled to taste good. Really like these cucumbers and decided to grow more. Here's six new vines.

The first cuke vines planted produced loads and loads of cucumbers. Also got 3 giant ones - two were one and a half pounds each, and one was two pounds (huge).

People like and eat pickles here, but most of the stores rarely have sweet pickles. So I buy the dill pickles, add my own spices (along with sugar), and came up with a very yummy sweet and spicy pickle from the garden using the pickle juice from the store-bought pickles.

The lemon basil bush has been producing seeds for the past two months. Will cut off all the brown tips (seed pods), and sprinkle them onto a fresh grow bed.  Maybe two or three small grow beds all around the garden will be better than just one big one.

The two oldest eggplants in the garden (one, 1 year old, and the other, 9 months old), this past month, produced so much fruit. Decided to prune them both, for even better production.

Unfortunately one of them didn't survive the pruning. But Eggplant #1, is sprouting leaves and getting ready to make a comeback.

Eggplant #2, the one that did die, is not completely lost. The other 4 eggplants in the garden were all cloned from #2, and they have all matured and are producing fruit.

The four cayenne pepper seedlings are almost ready to go in the ground.

Got my first bunch of bananas from this Macao banana tree (lots of smoothies). The tree will dry up and die. Two new trees are already coming out. Once a tree makes a bunch of bananas, its done. Waiting on the other banana trees in the garden for another bunch.

Almost lost the sole surviving Rota jungle hot pepper plant. It almost dried up and died after ant infestation. Prunned it, fed it better, and piled up its base with lots of rich soil. It's already started flowering and looks like new.

Moon over the Sasanhaya Bay.

Hope you enjoyed the blog post this time. Really glad for your visit. 😎

Friday, April 2, 2021

what a good Seed

Here on the Island of Rota, in the Marianas, we celebrate Good Friday, as the day that our Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ, died on the cross some two thousand years ago.

God, in His great mercy and kindness, planted His best Seed into the earth to give new life to His creation. This New Planting started some two thousand years ago. Its flourished amazingly through the centuries and ushers us into the kingdom of God, before God's very throne.

As a home gardener on Rota, I want the best seeds for my veggy garden. Its the good seeds that produce the best plants - just like the seeds used for eggplants and cucumbers in the garden. Every week there are so many eggplants and cukes harvested.

So, Jesus went into the ground on this day, and three days later, He germinated. About two thousand years later, He is the Vine and we are His branches.