Tuesday, August 22, 2023

friend taking a bath

Living on this farm, in the middle of the jungle, already 5 months, now, and thanking the Lord for putting me back on the path of life, about 10 months. "Have decided, to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus. I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back, no turning back."

The farm is in a cell-phone dead zone, except for one small place about 10 feet from my room/building. Set up a table and chair, out of the rain, to go on-line (order stuff from e-bay, FaceBook, on-line bank, make phone calls, etc.). Usually spend a little time at that table once or twice a day. 

Have made many friends here on the farm: geikos, fruitbats, and kingfishers. 

The geikos are ubiquitous in the Maraiana islands (as they are on Taiwan). While living in Taiwan, noticed the geikos would sing, short, but pleasant, melodic-type sounds at night and through the day. They live on the walls and ceilings - quite harmless, not scary at all. Here on Rota, they make more of a clicking sound. There are a few in my room/building. Glad to have them, to illiminate some of the bugs. They usually remain at a place on the wall or ceiling, stationary. When they do move, it's quite fast. Acutally seen them jump several feet, from one place to another. They have never been any bother, except for the poop they leave, usually on window seals. Take that back, once, after turning in for the night, a fairly large geiko plopped right on my face from either the ceiling or the air conditioner. Wasn't shocked or frightened - laughed to myself, because that gentle slap on the face was like a reminder for me to pray about something super important. One particular geiko, named Leonard, rarely crawls on the walls or ceiling for me to see. He rarely comes out from his hiding place. When he does, it's always the same path to the same window, lightening fast. The only reason he has a name is because he's so big (largest geiko I've ever observed). 

Walking up the dirt road to the farm from the main road, have already encountered two super large lizards (3-4 feet long). Some people call them, "monitors." Not agressive at all, except when it comes to stealing eggs from hen-houses. The moment they see me - quickly into the bushes or up a tree. Very beautiful looking. What a prize one of those would have made for one of my brothers, myself, or one of our cousins (when we were kids). The monitors are fast, but I'm sure we could have easily caught one.

Although they always keep their distance, the sanbar deer, all around the farm property, call out at all hours of the night, barking (mating calls) - not a nusance at all. Consider myself a friend to them - I'm totally not into hunting (no killer instinct here). 

While living at the very southern tip of Rota, at the foot of Wedding Cake Mountain, right near the seashore,  used to love to sit in the backyard, listen to the waves crashing on the rocks below, while counting and watching fruitbat overhead, flying north. Was told, there are two fruitbat colonies inside the grotto on Wedding Cake Mountain. Remember once counting 40 flying over my backyard, in a period of one hour.

At first, was afraid that fruitbats might not fly over this part of the island. Of recently, a pair of large fruitbats always fly directly over me (while I wave at them), here, at least two of three times a week. They are the number one gourmet delicacy in the Mariana Islands. The laws in the Mariana Islands are extremely strict to protect these awesome flying foxes.
This morning, while checking FaceBook, a kingfisher (my favorite friend on the farm), landed on the edge of the water trough, and proceeded to take a bath. Love to watch how they dive into the water, then fly out, sit back on the edge of the water trough and shake off all the water, over, and over again. That kingfisher sees me here all the time, so must not have felt any threat - he or she let me take loads of pictures, from my table less than 10 feet away.

Hope you enjoyed this post about some of the wildlife where I'm living, on this beautiful island of Rota, in the Mariana Islands.

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

refurbishing grow beds

After Covid-19 and a typhoon, the Man Amko Center (Rota Office on Aging) aquaponics project had to remain "on hold" for quite some time. The center's garden also was impacted.

On Rota, we don't like to waste anything. Fortunately, a couple key persons have been focusing their efforts and restoring the garden, refurbishing anything usable to cost affectively, organically, and  sustainably grow veggies at the Manako Center in Sinapalo.

While riding into the Village a couple weeks ago, bumped into an old friend from a few years ago (one of my gardening teachers). Was very honored to be invited to help out at the Manamko Center - primarily focusing on refurbishing veggy grow beds, and helping to set up a sustainable mulch system. Gladly accepted the opportunity to work with him and another former gardening teacher (always working in the garden, solo, on my own, recently, has been boring). Besides, the 3 of us can get lots more done than just 1 man alone - more people will benefit this way.

So glad to have a good bicycle to ride into the Village a couple times a week, to check the mail, go to the Medical Center, or buy groceries (been averaging at least 30 miles a week riding time - mostly on the road from the farm to Songsong Village). Had the bike almost 4 months now, and my life's back on track. Took almost a year to get a new bike - walking everywhere, hitchhiking, and getting rides from so many kind people here on Rota. Learned to be thankful to God for the exercise (for muscle groups unaffected by cycling for 8 years on Saipan and Rota). Also got over my fear and ability to walk long distances under the tropical sun. My friends tell me I've truly become an "islander". 

The new mountain bike was a significant answer to specific prayers, bringing to mind the Suzuki 1000cc motorcycle God blessed me with during my last few years in the States (in L.A.). Not only were the motorcycle and bike answers to very detailed and specific requests to the Lord, but far exceed my wildest expectations. Our Abba Father is just that way - He knows us very well, and knows how to make us happy.

Thanks for viewing the post - hope you enjoyed it. Hope you will also consider living your life for Jesus Christ, 100%. He will never let you down, and there's nothing like it in all the world.  🙂