Saturday, December 31, 2022

bible study: 2

2nd Bible Study last night. As last week, only one friend showed up, albeit, a different one. He wanted to check to see if i was the person who had posted the three small signs, "No Smoke for Me", at three of the stores we both patronize. 

He was glad to know i no longer use cannabis, and said something like, "Now we can talk more often." Since i've known him, he's always made sure i understand that he doesn't smoke cannabis, nor drink.

God bless that U.S. Vet, some day, with the saving grace found only in Jesus Christ. 

Grateful - again, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were in attendance. Looking forward to experience the sweet fellowship, only possible in Jesus Christ, with others at the Bible Study some day. Maybe next week, next month, next year, or next decade - it has to be in God's time, and in His way.

Earlier this week, while walking home from the store, another friend, pulled over, and started joking with me about the Bible Study signs posted (he already knew i had quit using cannabis). 

Laughingly started counting off on my fingers, "Ed, #1, i don't ----------- anymore, #2, i don't ------------ anymore, and, #3, i don't even ------------ anymore!" 

All the while, both he and i are laughing uncontrollably. Big difference, my laughter was 100% from the joy of the Lord in my heart. Not so, with Ed.

As my friend rides off on his electric bike, he yells to me, "Don't hide behind religion!" 

"Ed, it's not religion, it's Jesus!" 


Also, if you and I have ever fellowshipped in the Lord before (recently or in the distant past), at LBC, Vineyard in L.A., Taiwan, Repulse Bay Baptist Church (HK), 4 Square Church (HK), Jackie Pullenger's (HK), Guangdong, Beijing, Henan, Saipan, or Rota, please send me a friend request on FaceBook and i will gladly accept. Don't worry, my intention is only to re-connect, fellowship, and prayer. Would love to catch up with you,  wherever you are, whatever you are doing. Jesus loves you!  

Sunday, December 25, 2022

in honor of Marian Ruby Brown Petway


Marian Ruby Brown Petway

Thirty-nine years ago, on Christmas Day, my Mom passed away.                          

She and my Dad, were both born and raised in Tennessee. Both of them grew up in Nashville. They lived right down the street from each other.  

My Dad, from high school ROTC, went up through the ranks to become a high-ranking officer in the United States Air Force. I was born in Washington, D.C. when he worked at the Pentagon.   

People have always assumed I was a Northerner, but, in fact, both my Mom and Dad's side are 1/4 Cherokee. Petways and Browns go wayback. Our roots are, and have always been in the South.  

When my Dad entered the military, at that time, there was tons of bias towards Southerners, and no one dared to acknowledge their Cherokee blood. So, my Dad, on his own, got rid of his Southern sound. My Mom, on the other hand, had the most beautiful Southern accent (truly a 20th century Southern Bell).  

After giving my life to Jesus, the Lord led me to Liberty Bible College, in Pensacola, Florida. Then, after graduation, was sent out from Pensacola, through GME, to Taiwan as a missionary.  Just right after my very 1st missionary conference, at Liberty Church, on Highway 98, my Mom and Dad, decided to move to Pensacola, Florida.  

After my Mom got Baptized in the Holy Spirit (years earlier), she served the Lord with all her heart, never wavering, all ways and always, in love with Jesus, right up to the day she went to be with the Lord, which was on Christmas  Day thirty-nine years ago (today).  Had the honor of conducting her funeral service. 

Truly believe God honored her faithfulness with His presence at the service. Never experienced the power of the Holy Spirit so strong and intense as it was,  at that time, reading Psalm 91 (her favorite Bible passage), standing behind her casket, in front of family and friends.  

She was given a military funeral with full honors - motorcade and 21 gun salute, and buried at Mainside, Pensacola, at the Barrancas Naval Cemetery. Later discovered, my Dad, a high ranking Air Force officer, gave his funeral rights (don't know what its really called) to my Mom. When my Dad, passed away, many years later, we buried him as an airman (an airman in the USAF is like a private in the Army).  Both my Mom and Dad's gravestones are next to each other, side by side, as is the United States military tradition.  

Going to Bible College in Pensacola, being sent out as a missionary to Taiwan, parents moving to Pensacola, in my heart, was all the Lord, even right down to the exact location and timing of my dear Mother's internment and grave stone.  

On this day, December 25, 2022,  the Lord has seen fit (don't completely understand why) to yank me back into the Light, and use me as a vessel of honor. Actually, don't know what's going to happen, only know one thing, God does all things well.




Saturday, December 24, 2022

bible study: 1

Today, at 6:00 pm was our very 1st Bible Study. In preparation, cleaned up the carport and put a couple chairs out. Couldn't help but notice a young man pushing his baby child in a stroller, walk by right at six.

A friend showed up, right on time, but not for the Bible Study - for eggplant in my garden. It's probably just my imagination, but I want to think he showed up out of respect. 

Of recently, every friend I bump into, 1st thing out of my mouth - "I quit smoking bud (cannabis)!" So far, every friend has given me an enthusiastic fist bump (much appreciated). 

Made a cup of tea, and sat in the driveway, waiting until 7 (Bible Study at 6), in case someone else showed.

Wasn't in the least bit discouraged, and, God willing, let's give it another go next Friday. This could turn out to be a very cool prayer project/experiment - increase prayer, and pray more specifically. No telling what the Lord has in store next time.

In attendance this week - 

Abba Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and me. The Holy Spirit was teaching two things, which had a beautiful connection - 

1. Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world. 

2. If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

In conclusion, let's call our 1st Bible Study a smashing success and thank the Lord.


Also, if you and I have ever fellowshipped in the Lord before (recently or in the distant past), from LBC, Vineyard in L.A., Taiwan, Repulse Bay Baptist Church (HK), 4 Square Church (HK), Jackie Pullinger's (HK), Guangdong, Beijing, Henan, Saipan, or Rota, please send me a friend request on FaceBook and i will gladly accept. 

Don't worry, my intention is only to re-connect, fellowship, and prayer. Would love to catch up with you,  wherever you are, whatever you are doing. Jesus loves you!  

Friday, December 23, 2022

pre-bible study: 1

Planning to have a Bible Study. Posted place and time on two store public bulletin boards, all of which are in Songsong Village. Decided not to post in Sinapalo (10 miles away, 2.5 hours by bike). Have one more to post at the store closest to the house.

Not expecting anyone to turn out, with the holiday season and all. Besides, most of the families on Rota (population 2,000) will be attending Mass during the Christmas season.

Since arriving here on Rota, almost 4 years ago, have mostly hung out with local farmers, free-divers, fisherman, and deer hunters. They have all been generous with their experience and knowledge of the jungle, reefs, animal husbandry, endemic wild life, hunting, and fishing. Always very grateful to all of them, and have always hoped they will give their lives to Jesus.

Someday soon, will start fishing on my  own. Very sure that I'm not a deer hunter. After helping friends dress so many deer, it's quite clear - "Not for me, thank you."  It's not all the blood and guts, nor the look of terror in a deer's eyes, as it's hanging from it's hind legs, being gutted and skinned, and yet, still alive and kicking, with warm blood gurgling out it's slit neck, onto the jungle floor.  What really messed with my head, was the numbness I had after the deaths of so many beautiful creatures. Just don't have that killer instinct needed to be a good hunter.

Hope no one will get me wrong - not trying to stop anyone here from deer hunting. It's a viable outdoor sport, quite popular here in the CNMI, and, exceptionally good on Rota. We all count on it to bring in extra revenue for our economy, through "Adventure Tourism." The CNMI relies most on tourist dollars.

Forunately for me, the new Pastor at a church I attended on Saipan, happens to be an avid deer hunter. Bumped into him last Thanksgiving at a friend's BBQ.
Introducing ourselves to each other, thought it was obvious, God's getting ready to do something very cool on Rota (Star Wars: "a disturbance in the Force"). In my heart, it's like, "Thank you, Jesus!!!" "All things work for good for those who are called according to His purpose."

So, after emailing my new Pastor-friend about a Bible Study, he's like, "Do it! And, we'll start a church on Rota if there's a regular group of people." If the Lord doesn't make it happen, it aint gonna' happen. "Whatever is born of God, overcomes the world."

Was a missionary, preacher, and youth pastor decades ago, which is how I ended up settling on this side of the International Dateline. In two more months, it's the big "seven zero" for me. I'm tired, oops, I mean "retired." There won't be any pastor, Bible teacher, or leader - just we people, who love Jesus,  at the Bible Study. Might end up just being the geikos, ants, centipedes, and I, for awhile - whatever. It's the Holy Spirit's idea, not mine. Discovered, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, I always get good results, ahum, I mean "God results."

Thank you for visiting this blog. You are always welcome here and at my YouTube channel.
Go to ÝouTube, and type - jerry petway to see videos I've made for my friends and family.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

lost in the jungle again


It’s been six days since using cannabis last. The Lord is merciful. Everyone knows pot isn’t addictive but I’ve always loved it since high school in California (1969).  
Seems to me like God has been making a clear path for me out of the cannabis culture, of which I will be forever grateful.
Makes me think of that 2nd time getting lost in the jungle behind my house. Thought I would pop down below my house and cut some pine poles for my backyard fence (5 minutes, tops). An hour later, ended up very lost in a dense part of the jungle. One thing was very clear, I needed to follow the slope of the land, and proceed uphill. For certain, downhill was the seashore (could hear the waves crashing). Was so glad my machette was plenty sharp.
Took a while, with lots of effort. Was able to hack my way up, one baby step at a time. Buried tightly in vegetation way over my head, noticed a narrow  beam of light shinning through all the gowth. Inching forward, looked up again – could barely make out something not green,  what looked like a small section of a familiar looking building, maybe a house just like mine.  
Proceeded slowly and steadily up, pretty sure, the way out was not far. Kept inching up, hoping not to hack into a nest of bees. (Note: bee stings in the States, were nothing compared to these on Rota. Here, they’re like an intensely painful high voltage shock)
It took some time, but finally cut myself a path to the edge of the jungle. Wow, my next door neighbor’s backyard!
Couple months later, was talking with a good friend who hunts coconut crabs in the jungle between our housing area and the seashore. He said something like, “Jerry, found a really good path, blah, blah, blah” – that same one.