Spent the entire day with brothers and sisters in Jesus - all from the Rota Christian Assembly of God Church.
We all just hung at the seashore across from the Rota Cave Museum, fellowshipping, praying, eating, listening to good music, watching fruit bats flying over, and watching the sea life, in the noisy sea below us.
A large sea turtle swam by, stuck it's head out of the water (as if to say hello), for a few minutes, then disappeared into the deep, beyond the reef.
Much farther out past the reef, saw a huge school of yellow-fin tuna on the surface of the ocean, with all the birds flying overhead.
The food was great. We all got to help out, and learn how to cook lots of yummy food, in the ground, with super hot river-rocks, palm frawns, and coconut husks - as the islanders do in Fiji, Hawaii, Ponapei, and Rota. The deermeat and yellow-fin tuna dipped in fresh coconut milk, were crazy delicious. We all stepped out of the way of the experienced coconut shredders among us, who showed us how to shred coconut the right way.
It was unanamous - the "cooked tarrot leaf wraps were awesome."
While we were all just hanging out on the seashore, a few people dropped by to visit and get prayer. Always had time for them, in a prayer circle, laying on of hands, claiming God's promises, in the name of Jesus Christ! - truly a wise way to start off the new year.
Aside from praying for visitors, a beautiful school of parrot fish in the frothy waters below, always got our attention throughout the day.
Thanks for visiting this post. Hope you enjoyed it. Also hope you will have a new life in Jesus Christ, with the new year.