Wednesday, January 29, 2025
flesh or fruit
Saturday, January 25, 2025
three baptized
After the baptism, we all headed 5 minutes down the coast for breakfast and fellowship at our favorite place - the seashore across from the Rota Cave Museum. It was an enjoyable time hanging out.
Hope you enjoyed this post. Thanks for visiting. If you believe in Jesus Christ, hope you will find a good home church, and get baptized (if you haven't yet). Follow Jesus with all your heart - you'll never regret it.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
okra plants 8 feet
Another day on this beautiful Pacific island of Rota, in the Mariana Islands.
Wow, okra plants 8 feet now. Didn't know okra grows so tall! The cow poop must be working. Thank you, Jesus!
So glad God decided to pull me be back onto the narrow path of light, more than 2 years ago, already. Want to thank everyone who was and is praying for me.
There's nothing like walking with Jesus Christ - the Lamb, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, the Alpha and Omega. Holy, holy, holy! Glory, glory, glory!
Today is the day of salvation. Seek Him while he may be found ya'll.
Friday, January 10, 2025
tall okra plants
Another beautiful day on the island of Rota, in the Mariana Islands.
This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it!
Thanking God for how tall the okra plants are growing, and, their fruit is so large. So glad to have successfully changed the entire garden completely over to 100% organic - no chemicals for fertilizer or for the bugs.
As the Lord blesses and gives good harvests, the veggies are getting out to friends, neighbors, and church family.
More than a year ago, the plan was to give free veggies to "poor people." A good muslim friend advised me to drop the word, "poor." So, it's been free veggies for everybody.
Friends on this island have told me, "You should at least charge a little, to cover the cost of the seeds." Thanks for the advice, but if God puts something on my heart, I want to do your very best to do exactly what God wants.
A God idea for God results.
Here's the video clip for the tall okra.
Thank you for viewing this post. One way to get "God ideas" is to seek Him with all your heart.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
1st day of 2025
Spent the entire day with brothers and sisters in Jesus - all from the Rota Christian Assembly of God Church.
We all just hung at the seashore across from the Rota Cave Museum, fellowshipping, praying, eating, listening to good music, watching fruit bats flying over, and watching the sea life, in the noisy sea below us.
A large sea turtle swam by, stuck it's head out of the water (as if to say hello), for a few minutes, then disappeared into the deep, beyond the reef.
Much farther out past the reef, saw a huge school of yellow-fin tuna on the surface of the ocean, with all the birds flying overhead.
The food was great. We all got to help out, and learn how to cook lots of yummy food, in the ground, with super hot river-rocks, palm frawns, and coconut husks - as the islanders do in Fiji, Hawaii, Ponapei, and Rota. The deermeat and yellow-fin tuna dipped in fresh coconut milk, were crazy delicious. We all stepped out of the way of the experienced coconut shredders among us, who showed us how to shred coconut the right way.
It was unanamous - the "cooked tarrot leaf wraps were awesome."
While we were all just hanging out on the seashore, a few people dropped by to visit and get prayer. Always had time for them, in a prayer circle, laying on of hands, claiming God's promises, in the name of Jesus Christ! - truly a wise way to start off the new year.
Aside from praying for visitors, a beautiful school of parrot fish in the frothy waters below, always got our attention throughout the day.
Thanks for visiting this post. Hope you enjoyed it. Also hope you will have a new life in Jesus Christ, with the new year.