Wednesday, February 19, 2025

west dock marina & small island

This is the West Dock Marina, and a small man-made island across the bay, on the beautiful island of Rota, in the Mariana Islands.

My place is right above the Marina, with a small patch of jungle between us. Just recently, surveyors cut a path through the jungle from the Marina directly to where I live. Now I can walk down to the Marina, through the jungle, in a matter of minutes - nice.

On Rota, we all love our Mayor Aubry (glad I voted for her). Thank God for Mayor Aubry! She is the 1st ever woman mayor on Rota, and in the CNMI, and she's still in her 30s. She believes in Jesus Christ and prays.

She and her administration are in the process of building pavillions at key places all over the island. So, in the near future, we'll not only have a new pavilion at the marina, but also a public restroom and beach shower. 

As soon as I get my fishing gear in order, planning to head over to the small island to see what i can catch. My dog, Toku, loves to go to the island.  

Here's the West Dock Marina and small island in the morning. 


  1. WOW!!! So beautiful Jerry! Just got the tiniest urge to sell all my crap and move there! LOL

  2. Glad it's just a tiny urge...think you have a paradise where you are.
