Sunday, July 7, 2024

home church - found

Five and half years on this small Pacific island, and now attending church, Bible studies, and prayer meetings - truly a welcome and refreshing lifestyle change. So glad to be around other people here who have a passion for the same things - Jesus, the Bible, praying in the Spirit, fellowship in the Lord, spiritual warfare, worshipping God together, generous giving, all-out serving the Lord, and all the rest.

Attended two Sundays already - yes, indeed, I'm really home now. No need to some day go back to Liberty in Florida, or Vineyard in Orange County - I can experience the presence of God, and the moving of the Holy Spirit, with a small group of believers, here on Rota, thank God.

Especially like attending the Bible studies we have outside on the cliffs across from the Luta Cave Museum - love the sound of the waves crashing on the rocks far below, and the beautiful sunsets. There's always a campfire going. We have a good time, worshipping the Lord there, studying the Bible, and just hanging out fellowshipping and eating Chamorro snacks. It's just far enough up the west coast (facing the Phillipine Sea) to get good exercise on the mountain bike, there and back home.

These are all my new teachers, now - a dentist from Fiji, a Filipino accountant, farmer/hunter, retired school teacher, a Chamarro pastor, a business consultant, and maybe I missed someone (sorry). Hoping to learn the names of everyone in the church, as well as learn much more Chamorro and Tagalog.

Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for visiting.