Monday, July 29, 2024

Bible study seashore

The new church has been enjoyable - Bible studies on the seashore, Sunday worship services under a tent, and prayer walks. Plenty of hanging out, and fellowship with others who love Jesus.

Once a month, we meet at some location on this beautiful island of Rota, and walk around it, praying for all the people there. Some people come out and ask for prayer as we walk by. The Lord gives us opportunity to pray for people, and even lay on hands for healing and deliverance, in the name of Jesus Christ.

After the prayer walks, we all get back together at the seashore across from the Rota Cave Museum. The area is right across the big "Luta" sign, and the rows of big Latte stones.

So, after the prayer walk, we all get together and eat breakfast, hang out, and fellowship togther. The other day, while we were eating breakfast, an unexpected visitor swims into the area right below us - a beautiful sea turtle, about 3-4 feet big.

After a few hours it swam back to sea. A couple times it popped its head out of the water and looked in our direction. So glad to have such a visitor come by.

Later that day, after everyone had returned home, right before sunset, I just had to go back to that same stretch of sea shore (where we have our Bible studies), to sea if perhaps our visitor had returned.

Thanks for visiting the blog, and hope you enjoyed this post. God has blessed us with loads of beautiful wild life here on Rota,

Sunday, July 7, 2024

home church - found

Five and half years on this small Pacific island, and now attending church, Bible studies, and prayer meetings - truly a welcome and refreshing lifestyle change. So glad to be around other people here who have a passion for the same things - Jesus, the Bible, praying in the Spirit, fellowship in the Lord, spiritual warfare, worshipping God together, generous giving, all-out serving the Lord, and all the rest.

Attended two Sundays already - yes, indeed, I'm really home now. No need to some day go back to Liberty in Florida, or Vineyard in Orange County - I can experience the presence of God, and the moving of the Holy Spirit, with a small group of believers, here on Rota, thank God.

Especially like attending the Bible studies we have outside on the cliffs across from the Luta Cave Museum - love the sound of the waves crashing on the rocks far below, and the beautiful sunsets. There's always a campfire going. We have a good time, worshipping the Lord there, studying the Bible, and just hanging out fellowshipping and eating Chamorro snacks. It's just far enough up the west coast (facing the Phillipine Sea) to get good exercise on the mountain bike, there and back home.

These are all my new teachers, now - a dentist from Fiji, a Filipino accountant, farmer/hunter, retired school teacher, a Chamarro pastor, a business consultant, and maybe I missed someone (sorry). Hoping to learn the names of everyone in the church, as well as learn much more Chamorro and Tagalog.

Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for visiting.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

garden and Toku update

Already 7 or 8 months since moving to this new place under Wedding Cake Mountain, and starting a new garden.

Here on the island of Rota, we just got through an unusually hot dry season. Very grateful the garden is still going - only lost a couple plants (thank you, Jesus).

In the middle of the 32 eggplants, the young advocado tree is still thriving. Every morning, chickens come out from the surrounding jungle, pecking and scratching for food. Glad they love to eat centepedes, but they also like to peck on the eggplants hanging on the branches (which is bothersome).

Thanks for viewing this post. Hope you enjoyed it.

The Lord continues to bless the garden with good harvests, which are always shared with friends and neighbors on this beautiful island. Some people say, "You should sell your veggies." Grateful for the good advice, but for some reason, just can't do it.

But, have observered this - as all the good veggies go out to friends and neighbors, many blessings from God, continue to come in (which completely blow me away).

"The earth is full of the goodnes of God." God is so good to me, how can I not be good to others?

cayenne peppers

Another beautiful day on Rota. Still at the same place right beneath Wedding Cake Mountain, above the West Dock Marina. Praise the Lord for such a good place to live and grow veggies.

Plenty of delicious, super hot peppers on Rota - even hotter than the Latino ones I've tasted in L.A. Missed the flavor of the Cayenne Peppers in California, got some seeds mailed to me, and have 13 plants - growing six months already.

Decided to grow the 13 cayenne pepper plants on the roof, hopefully to keep them from cross-pollinating from any local pepper plants in the jungle below.

The first harvest was very good, thank God. Will be doing another harvest this week or next. Really love these pepper plants - they grow year round in this Pacific island tropical weather.

Thanks for visiting this post. Hope you enjoyed it. Jesus Christ is the spice of life.