Monday, May 20, 2024

67 sprouts graduated












Another beautiful day on Rota, and, "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."

Last month, mid-April, started germinating 72 Long Purple Eggplant seeds. Thank you, Jesus, found a new, cheap, germination system! 93% of the seeds sprouted.

Today, 67 Long Purple Eggplant sprouts graduated to "seedlings." Hopefully in a few more weeks, they'll get planted at someone's farm on Rota, and start pumping out those yummy Eggplants for a couple years.

After about one month as sprouts, the seedlings were ready to be transplanted into their final grow-cups, before being planted in the ground, about a month from now.

Thanks for visiting the website. 

Just a reminder - even if you don't feel the presence of God, He is always there with you.

1 comment:

  1. Love you too! Always love to get your comments! Hope you and yours are all well and healthy! ....more posts coming!
