Saturday, December 24, 2022

bible study: 1

Today, at 6:00 pm was our very 1st Bible Study. In preparation, cleaned up the carport and put a couple chairs out. Couldn't help but notice a young man pushing his baby child in a stroller, walk by right at six.

A friend showed up, right on time, but not for the Bible Study - for eggplant in my garden. It's probably just my imagination, but I want to think he showed up out of respect. 

Of recently, every friend I bump into, 1st thing out of my mouth - "I quit smoking bud (cannabis)!" So far, every friend has given me an enthusiastic fist bump (much appreciated). 

Made a cup of tea, and sat in the driveway, waiting until 7 (Bible Study at 6), in case someone else showed.

Wasn't in the least bit discouraged, and, God willing, let's give it another go next Friday. This could turn out to be a very cool prayer project/experiment - increase prayer, and pray more specifically. No telling what the Lord has in store next time.

In attendance this week - 

Abba Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and me. The Holy Spirit was teaching two things, which had a beautiful connection - 

1. Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world. 

2. If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

In conclusion, let's call our 1st Bible Study a smashing success and thank the Lord.


Also, if you and I have ever fellowshipped in the Lord before (recently or in the distant past), from LBC, Vineyard in L.A., Taiwan, Repulse Bay Baptist Church (HK), 4 Square Church (HK), Jackie Pullinger's (HK), Guangdong, Beijing, Henan, Saipan, or Rota, please send me a friend request on FaceBook and i will gladly accept. 

Don't worry, my intention is only to re-connect, fellowship, and prayer. Would love to catch up with you,  wherever you are, whatever you are doing. Jesus loves you!  

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