Monday, November 18, 2019

tiny sparrow

This morning did some routine catching up on the front and back gardens - taking pictures, documenting growth times, watering, trimming, pulling up unplanted vegetation in grow areas. In between the gardening tasks, was also watching Star Wars and finishing up a late breakfast, when it  started to rain - came down heavy. Always like to go out to the front garden and watch the rainwater gurgle out of a spout into the water spinach canals.

Watching the rainwater innundate the kangkong (its what we call water spinach, on Rota), I noticed a very small sparrow clinging to the wire mesh fence I set up around the base of a papaya tree next to the  garden. It's no big deal to see a sparrow - there's always dozens twittering around at any time during the day. It became aparent the sparrow was having some kind of problem on the fence. After a closer look - the sparrow stuck its head into a place on the fence where two ends of the wire mesh were tied togther with string.

There's no way the bird could get its head out - the sparrow was really distressed. So, gently pulling back the two ends of the fence, was able to get the sparrow's head free from the spikey edges of the wire mesh. Wasn't sure if it was going to live or not. Might have been loads of damage to the sparrow's neck - a tuft of feathers was left stuck in the fence after the bird was freed. Didin't notice any blood.

It would have been so cool if the sparrow would have just ruffled its wings and flew off (that's what I was hoping, anyway). But, the sparrow seemed traumatized, just clinging to the fence with its tina claws, not moving, not making a sound.

Completely ignorant of proper bird care, really didn't know what to do. Couldn't stop thinking of that Bible verse, "His eye is on the He also cares for me." Kept getting this idea to go touch the sparrow and pray for it. Went over and put my fingers on its head and asked the Lord for healing - "All those who believe in Jesus Christ, shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Returned to the porch and kept watching the bird just clinging there, continuing to pray for it and believe God's word about healing.

Was very glad to see the bird drop off the fence and perch in the grass nearby. Have to admit, was having my doubts, but God's word is true no matter what. The bird kept perching there in the grass, unmoving, silent. Watched for a short while, then started to get another thought, "Take some water (for the garden), and pour some on the bird. At first I ignored the thought,  but it kept coming back to me, "Water the bird." So, I grabbed a small tin can, always used for watering plants individually, and poceeded to pour water on the sparrow. It got irritated, fluffed up its wings, slowly moved to another spot in the grass, and continued to perch.

Went back into the apartment to finish the Star Wars movie. Much later, decided to check on the bird, hoping it would be gone - nope, still there, unmoving. Started thinking that by tomorrow, it'll probably be dead. Then, got that same idea again, "Pour some more water on it."

This time, made sure the can was full all the way to the top. went to the bird, stood over it, and started pouring water on it. As the bird moved from the water splashing on it, I followed it, and kept pouring the water in a steady stream. Just as I ran out of water, the tiny sparrow stood up on its feet, spread both its wings, and bolted up into the sky, flying at least 30 yards, way to the other side of the apartment building. it flew very strong and very fast - Wow Lord, that was pretty cool. The same power that raised Christ from the dead, restores and heals the damaged and injured. That sparrow is singing God's praises.

None of that made sense to me - completely insane. Thing is, God really does care about us and all living things, even the most insignificant.

Tore down that wire mesh fence right away.

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