Saturday, October 19, 2019

my garden on Rota 1

It all started with a WW2 rusted pickaxe head hanging on the back wall of this apartment on the edge of the jungle - the only tool really needed for jungle gardenining on a tropical island such as Rota.

Often thought how cool it would be to start a garden - no place to plant anything at the apartment. Never thought much of the three cement planters in the front - full of ugly unkemp white flowers, and two half-dead citrus trees. Then one day a kind neighbor said something like, "Hey Jerry, you can get rid of those flowers if you like. That lemon tree's dead, and there might be some hope for the tangerine tree."

Two and a half months later - what's this, a garden in the front, and a garden in the back? The main idea of these gardens is to spend no money, buy nothing from the store, except for seeds, and use anything and everything around the house or from the nearby adjacent jungle (without stealing, of course).  In the Mariana Islands, especially on this island, Rota, a person must always have permission.

After many failed attempts to germinate outdated seeds, which were purchased at an outragious discount at the local hardware store, one small lemon basil seedling popped through the surface of the soil at a place it wasn't even planted (the lemon basil seeds cost 10 cents, and were terribly outdated). That single lemon basil plant has become the point of the spear, so to speak, of all the plants in both gardens. Harvested once already, with two more weeks before reaching full maturity, it's become a true beauty.

So, the front main cement planter was the first to get the working end of the WW2 rusted pickaxe. Only certain things grow well on tropical islands. For that reason the first grow consists of cayenne pepper plants, Tokyo bunching green onions, and lemon basil. All of these can be grown year round. Had to get the seeds through Walmart, over the internet. The seeds themselves were not expensive, but to get them here to Rota is double the cost.

Here's the front main planter. Everything is about half way along, except that one lemon basil plant that will be fully mature in two weeks.

Right below the main planter, discovered a rainwater run-off spout. What tropical plant needs loads of water and is super easy to grow? You guessed it, water spinach, aka kong xin tsai. That and eggplant have to be the most yummy veggies on God's good earth.

Finally got the water spinach seeds (also very cheap). The very day of their arrival, seeds were planted for germination. Out of the 7 or 8 planted for germination, only three popped out of the soil.These water spinach seeds are something out of Jack and the Beanstalk. Their rate of growth is totally mind boggling - truly a robust and prolific species of vegetable.

There's much more, like the citrus trees, the papya trees, the back garden, as well as soil preparation, and the composting bin. Eggplant seeds will be ordered next week. 

Please feel free to post comments or ask questions. Thanks for visiting.

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