Friday, June 21, 2024

Toku got spayed today

A U.S. military medical group came to our small island, giving us free medical and vet services. It's been first come first serve, but our population is small, so short lines or none at all.

Had a psychiatric consultation at no cost (could never afford to visit psychiatrists). Got a cracked molar extracted. Got my eyes and glasses checked - they are sending me a new pair of glasses with the updated prescription. The optometrist discovered a small cataract on my right eye. Also got a general health check-up, with three seperate blood pressure and heart rate checks.

Toku is about a year old now, and still hasn't gone into heat. Of course I've been a little nervous about all the male dogs off their leashes. Our island is much too small to have vet services, and flying to the closest island (Guam or Saipan) that do, isn't affordable. Already started making plans to breed Toku with a friend's dog, but we have to wait until next year. Then, this U.S. Military Medical Group shows up on Rota for a few weeks.


Got up super early - walked Toku to where the medical group set up, about one mile from our place. Actually, Toku dragged me there, and I just held on to the leash. Was hoping to be first in line. Still wasn't sure if they would even accept Toku, and if they did, wasn't sure how Toku and I would get back home.

Two hours later, a young Army Lieutenant, puts Toku in my arms, with a bag of medication and instructions. Toku and I walked about 100 yards, very slowly of course. She was so zoned out, and could barely walk. Some man in a big Toyota truck pulls up, and says something like, "Put the dog in the back, you can sit up front, and I'll take you home!" Didn't even know the guy, but couldn't refuse his kind offer. He wouldn't accept any gas money, and I opted to sit in the back with Toku. All the while, thinking, "Thank you Jesus! Toku is spayed! We got a ride home!"

The Lieutenant said Toku must not lick her stitches, and we have no cones here - improvised, using an old t-shirt. Toku has been so faded from the anesthesia - keeping her very close by, out of the elements. 

One of the young Biologists, Keith, just happen to come by, and was so happy to hear that Toku just got spayed. She perked up as soon as Keith got close, and even ate a treat, slowly wagging her tail.

Thanks for viewing the post and hope you enjoyed it. Really thank God for such a good dog, and for all the people who made it possible for Toku and I to be together.