This is the last green bean harvest (February 28, 2023), and the biggest. Thank the Lord for such a big harvest.
Lord willing, hope to plant green beans in the next garden.
This is the last green bean harvest (February 28, 2023), and the biggest. Thank the Lord for such a big harvest.
Lord willing, hope to plant green beans in the next garden.
This is the day, this is the day, that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. We will rejoice, we will rejoice, and be glad in it, and be glad in it...
More than a month ago, one of my granddaughters mentioned to me, "Grandpa, I want to try your Crunchy Eggplant recipe with zucchini."
So, I asked the Lord to help me do zucchini right this time. Last year was my first ever attempt at growing zucchini. It looked great, grew to a huge size - all green and health looking. But, didn't get any fruit - not even one.
This time, prayed, and did my homework - found some good info on the internet. God dropped loads of ideas into my head on how to do it right on this second attempt.
Our problem here, on this small island, everywhere you want to plant - rocks, rocks, and then more rocks. Eggplant and Roma tomatoes, no problem, their roots don't go deep. They grow well in the top couple inches of the ground. Zucchini, on the other hand, need a foot or more of good soil to really flourish.
Praise the Lord! The cardboard box, zipties, and stakes, are working. One of my neighbor-friends, broke a good trail into the jungle not far from my house. Found plenty of this black-fluffy soil and put it in the zucchini grow-box. Got some cheap Black Beauty Zucchini seeds, planted 5 in the box, and only kept the first two plants which sprouted.
Exactly one month later, to the day, went out to the garden, right before sunrise, and there's the first zucchini blossom. Really hope my granddaughter likes it.
Just had to sing that song, "This is the day, this is the day, that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made, I will rejoice, I will rejoice, and be glad in it, and be glad in it..."
Hope you enjoyed this blog post. God is so good. Jesus loves you.
If we turn to him with all our hearts, he restores us - anytime, anywhere, in any circumstances.
May God bless the Mariana Islands, protect all our families, guide and give wisdom to our local governments and community leaders in Guam and the CNMI, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Been growing these Black Beauty eggplants for 5 months, in my home garden here on Rota, in the Mariana Islands. This harvest, today, is the biggest and best yet (thank you, Jesus!).
This harvest is going to my new home church - Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ of the 4th Watch, to share with the brothers and sisters there.
My Garden on Rota: February 2023 Update
1st Big Green Bean Harvest